A massive thanks once again to our sponsor Stoke travel Europe’s most hedonistic travel company as we have a a prize worth over €500 in value. Stoke have been with the competition since the very beginning and the company has grown greatly over the years and now can offer a massive range of travel products that from December surfing in Morocco through all the major European festivals ending in Andorra for Ski-ing the following Winter! Literally a 12 month season of partying! A truly great guiri success story born in and still based in Barcelona who have been truly fearless and made it by the relentless delivery of a quality product and FIC is proud of our association! |
BCN's Funniest FICer Winner: Will represent Barcelona in front of almost 300 comedy fans in one of Giggling Guiri's New Year's shows which are yet to be released but always massive!! Also on the night of the final receive a voucher for...
3 nights for 2 people at any Stoke festival or Surf Camp plus an Open Bar all trip!!!! - value over €500 A pair of tickets to a Giggling Guiri show There is also talk of a sports car and possibly the most important... the bragging rights to walk the streets of Barna letting them know that you are BCN's Funniest FICer 2018!! ****those taking part will be entitled to one drink in the Final sponsored by the bar***** |
This year’s winners - the actual winner and a couple of specially selected surprise ones - will be invited on the groundbreaking The Weekly Noticias topical radio quiz show! This is a unique and properly special opportunity to team up with comedy greats Xavi Castells and Chris Groves and strut your stuff in front of thousands of discerning listeners (and viewers)! (This prize is brought to you by Maravilla Media Group, The Spain in English Network and Perdidos in Translation Inc and porsupuesto The Weekly Noticias) |